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Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Look at Love through Adam and Eve's eyes.

Genesis 2: 19-23 "19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called woman,
for she was taken out of man."

I bet when you read this verse you think of animals all single filed walking up to Adam sitting behind this desk interviewing each and every animal that came to God. Making sure that his "helper" would meet these certain specifications and based on their skills would consider them for hire. No? What have you thought it was like then? The writer of this book was a man of understatements, and we are only left to speculate so much. God was proving a point though. At this point we know Adam is still naked and not ashamed of his nakedness. He does not have the knowledge to be ashamed yet. As weird as it sounds, I think Adam was a naked man running around and trying to befriend all these animals all around the garden. Not a small garden, I bet the Garden of Eden was massive big as a continent or something like that. I laugh at him trying to get a Cow to listen to him or if a tiger would let him pet him and command him. Adam only task set by God in this point is to care over the animals and garden and not to eat the of the Tree of Knowledge, what kind of Animal could possibly help him with that. Especially if those animals can not even communicate with Adam.

God made us in his image. This idea pleases me a lot but do not take what I think as truth because I could be wrong. It adds to my idea to heaven a little bit. Imagine the Garden of Eden, where you live with God with his infinite love leaving you with no insecurities at all. "But for Adam [you in this example] no suitable helper was found." God made us in his image and we realize we are relational. Even Adam only with God and the creatures in the Garden, was not satisfied in companionship and God knew this; and so God had Eve in mind for Adam. God does not need us humans, as we do not need relationships(such as in a guy and girl) but we receive great joy from this, just as God gets great joy from our company. God made Adam work for it though. I don't want to go into whether Adam and Eve were created the same day or not but how long did Adam run around naked trying to make friends with the creatures before God gave him Eve. Seriously how long would it take me to get tired of trying to do the impossible, then at the end of the work God gave Adam, Eve.

Adam had to be getting tired of Animals in the way of being friends with them, I am sure that he really appreciated Eve, his wife, after dealing with stinking animals for most of the day or for years(again whatever information you read or believe on that). We have came a far way from what God has graced Guys with. A helper, not a slave. Imagine the giant garden again that Adam spend all this time running naked around to find a helper, and now he has one, running around showing Eve all of God's beautiful creation to her. Sharing all this with her, and teaching her the name of the animals he named, totally enjoying her company. The book(Searching for God Knows What) that gave me this idea even mentions this great gift has became so desensitized that any guy can see a girl online whenever because we have devalued them so much. It makes me feel sick at myself that I enjoyed girls the way I have and feel like I have stolen somebody else's gift, because I was to selfish to wait for my own. I thought treated girls a little better from a revelation a while ago but I think I have either settled back into it or I really had no clue that first time.

"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called woman,
for she was taken out of man."
I am pretty sure was the first time something was poetic in the Bible and it was Adam's first words to Eve. It might not seem that great of a poem to me, but kind of makes me think of how girls do love poetry especially when a guy compares beautiful stuff to them. Really though, Its like the formulas we have set up as I mentioned in my about me. I can make a list of all the things I love about a girl. In the end its just a list, and which is why I think partially that love is full of stupid actions sometimes. A poem is for beauty and explains meanings, why else are humans so obsessed with Art, it answers more questions about why than the math problem 2+3=5 does. That list is like a math problem to us Guys, it makes sense, name enough points and those points might equal what the girl wants and balance the equation? Nope! Girls are not math problems. They like stuff just like we like stuff, human too. Girls probably like a picture more than us handing them a math problem too. I don't think God wanted woman to be treated like they were through the Bible, and its not like the internet was the only reason girls were desensitized, they were devalued very quickly after the fall. I guess this has been aimed towards more guys to appreciate girls more and see them as something than more than what we think they are.

1 comment:

  1. I like the thinking you're doing on this, I would like to add something. Women have been de-valued for thousands of years. Eve was the one who was tempted, and Adam was standing right there. I remember when God showed this to me how astounded I was. I always pictured Adam somewhere else, but not right there with Eve- it's crazy yet true. Eve a lot of times gets the blame for the fall, but Adam didn't speak up to the serpant when he was talking to Adam's woman either.
    I also like your recognition of how you regarded women before and I think how you see them now.
    They are and have always been (I believe) meant to be partner to man not subject to them. Women and Men balance each other out in right relationships with God.
    I didn't mean to go on and on sorry for that. But I really do like what God is doing with you Zach, I see God working mightily in your life. God Bless
    Lori Orlando
